Damak Technical Education Foundation (DTEF) is located at Damak Municipality ward no 09, Jhapa and affiliated to CTEVT . It was established in 2065 B.S. by registering in the Office of the company Registrar with the objective of providing quality technical education and vocational training. Later in the year 2079 B.S, another company Shreeyantra College under DTEF was registered which was affiliated to TU for Bachelor’s programs of B.Sc. CSIT and BIM. It has now been the best destination for the local aspiring students for technical education and vocational training. It has now been the best destination for the local as well as nearest districts student ever since its establishment.
DTEF has produced more than 400 technical manpower and supported the economic growth of their family as well as ultimately the country economic development. DTEF has now been proved to be one of the best alternatives and only destination for the technical education not only for the target group of its surrounding but for those who are from far remote areas of eastern and mid-western development of Nepal.
By acquiring competency in building business partnership, technical professionalism and also promoting entrepreneurial program and developing alliances with national and international partners, DTEF thrives to be a national leader in Technical Education.
Our mission is to make our students skilled professionals who not only fit in global corporate firms and companies but also make them job providers with entrepreneurial mindset. We are committed to bridge the gap between Industry and Academia by providing quality education.
DTEF Campus tour is designed for prospective graduate and professional students. Educational tours are arranged by the campus to every aspiring student yearly.
Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what best suits you.
Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our college values the interest of the students in social, cultural values and in the development of the students’ personalities for their overall development.